Businesses Are Not Complying With Duty Of Care


Waste management in the construction industry, which creates a third of all waste generated in the UK, is heavily monitored.

Many businesses are unaware of their compliance risks. Up to 56% of UK businesses are not fully compliant with their legal responsibilities under waste management legislation. Fines can now severly effect finances.

It is now imperative that your business acknowledges its obligations under waste management legislation.

Unfortunately being uninformed is no protection from the law, and we believe that more companies will find themselves exposed to prosecution unless they take the right steps to comply.
— Sam Corp, head of regulation at the ESA

It is essential that you understand the legal definition of waste, as it is becoming increasingly difficult for construction businesses to remain compliant with UK waste management legislation. You must also be aware of your obligations under the Environment Protection Act, Controlled Waste Regulations and the Hazardous Waste Directive.

Demonstrating competency around waste management legislation makes it easier to win new business and boost your bottom line. If you require additional information, contact us at MacNabb Waste to stay updated on current/relevant waste management legislation, while also letting us take care of all your waste management requirements.

Conaill MacNabb